The Russell Martin Foundation recognises the importance of Education and the link to our charity's Vision, "For our local community to prosper". With this in mind we have developed a range of services to positively impact on the lives of children and their families. We continue to increase and adapt our services in response to the needs of children, families / carers and schools.
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Extra Time Project
The Extra Time Project is a short stay, 12 week, alternative provision working on improving Social, Emotional Wellbeing whilst also giving pupils the opportunity to have respite from negative cycles they may have found themselves in, in mainstream education. Currently in Partnership with Brighton & Hove and West Sussex County Councils, running centres in Brighton, Chichester and Worthing
KS2 Transition Programme
Our new KS2 transition programme focuses on working with all stages of the journey for year 6 pupils. RMF staff members are placed within the primary school, after the completion of year 6 SATS. Supporting the needs of the year 6 staff and pupils, RMF staff work directly with identified year 6 pupils through small group and 1:1 support sessions, creating a pupil profile that further supports the primary schools work on transition.
Through the summer holidays, the year 6 pupils are invited onto holiday provision courses, ensuring that the year 6 pupils are working on building relationships with other year 6 pupils in the area who are also transitioning to the same secondary schools as them in September. Encouraging new friendships and teamworking. Finally, the third phase of the project see’s the dedicated RMF staff member placed in a designated secondary school to further support the new year 7 pupils with the final stage of their transition. Continuing support group and 1:1 sessions, pastoral support and any other needs of the secondary school. This programme is currently a pilot, working in Brighton and Hove with City Academy Whitehawk, Brighton Aldridge Community Academy and Longhill High School.
If you think that our KS2 transition project would benefit your pupils, please contact
On Site Provision
Our Targeted on site provision offers a 12 week programme designed in partnership around the needs of the school. This can be attendance improvement, SEMH support or Pastoral focused. RMF staff will deliver one day a week, on site, to a hand picked group of pupils including enriching activities in the afternoon session to encourage healthy lifestyles and the impact a healthy lifestyle can make to a young persons educational journey. There is further wrap around support to the young person through interaction with RMF family liaison support staff, dirextly impacting and trying to improve better home lives for the young person. Johnie Davies, Seahaven Academy, had the following to say about our recent work with the Academy –
"It was great to work with The Russell Martin Foundation to support the education experience of 12 vulnerable Year 7 learners. They quickly established strong rapport and relationships with the young people, and they were able to provide clear, effective, and appropriate boundaries that helped the students feel safe and thrive. The activities were well planned and effectively delivered. They were accessible for students who struggled with aspects of academic learning, and they were delivered with enthusiasm and energy. The activities helped the students reflect upon their own learning experiences and what some of the barriers to learning may be. In that sense, it was really helpful in ensuring the intervention helped the student transition to mainstream lessons."
If you wish to discuss the programme and how it could meet your schools needs, please contact
Football Education Programme (16-19 Years)
The Russell Martin Foundation is pleased to offer a football education programme available to young people aged between 16 & 19. The programme is run by Jay Lovett, UEFA A licences coach and he is assisted by other UEFA qualified coaches.
Primary School Provision
Russell Martin Foundation can offer sustainable and cost-effective external cover for schools across Sussex. Russell Martin Foundation has an entire package that can be placed into primary schools to establish, breakfast, lunchtime or after school clubs.

Shoreham Academy
The Russell Martin Foundation is pleased to offer another football education programme available to young people aged between 16 & 19. The programme will be run by, UEFA B licences coaches.